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Over the years G.M. Piccoli S.p.A. has always been committed to expanding its range to try to meet market demands and respond to the different food choices of consumers, without ever giving up on quality.

As for the hygienic and sanitary guarantees of the products, the entire production process is carried out in compliance with very strict standards: the requirements imposed by the BRC (British Retail Consortium) and IFS Food (International Food Standard) standards are met that verify the conformity of the production system with the requirements of legality and safety of food; the correct application of the procedures is verified annually by an external body, and has obtained the maximum score of evaluation.


For a number of years, there has been growing consumer concern for a healthy and healthy diet. This results in a greater interest and consumption of foods "healtly" and also suitable for a vegetarian diet. Recent studies reveal that purchasing habits are changing rapidly and this type of food is a booming business. The company has enriched its range with wellness products, including Vegan products.






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We are attentive to the different needs of consumers and some of our products are kosher certified.

Kosher is the set of religious rules governing the nutrition of observant Jews. The Hebrew word "kosher" means, in fact, suitable, appropriate or correct.  The Jewish laws establish precise food rules that concern both the permitted ingredients and the processing. The result is a "suitable" food (kosher, in fact) not only for the body but also for the soul


Kosher certification is obtained following a procedure of control by a specialized rabbinic body that supervises the production of a food in order to ensure that it complies with Jewish dietary rules. For a product to be kosher certified, However, it is necessary that it meets very strict quality standards and that all production and packaging procedures and each individual ingredient used in its preparation comply with the restrictive laws of Kasheruth.


The extreme rigidity of these rules is a protection for the consumer regardless of his religion and, over time, has made the kosher certification a worldwide recognized quality mark.


The kosher market today is, in fact, a business worth several billion dollars. The members of the Jewish community are not the only buyers of these products but to consume this type of food are also all those who want to eat quality food and from reliable sources. For this reason, in countries such as the United States, Israel, Poland, Hungary and Romania there are increasingly high growth rates and Italy is also a developing market.

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